The Pie Fry… a Recipe for Disaster.

  • Pies are usually baked in a wonderfully warm oven, and they are usually baked to completion in said oven.  Pies don’t normally “finish” baking in a frying pan, as a rule of thumb.  Except in my house.

    Sometimes things don’t happen the way they are supposed to in the kitchen (as I know all to well), and sometimes when an urge strikes to bake miniature pies for a dinner party, they take a swerve off course.

    Take for example these sweet little pecan pies… straight from my well-loved Decadent Deep-Dish Pecan Pie recipe.  After baking until the gooey centers were done to perfection (still gooey but not too ooey, if you know what that means), I removed them from the oven like a responsible, effective baker.  It wasn’t until these puppies had cooled that I realized their crusts were still raw-ish on the bottoms.  I wasn’t about to return the pies to the oven, and risk de-gooing the innards.  What’s a girl to do?  Solution:

    Break out the frying pan, for the First Annual Pie Fry, y’all.  (Meant to be said in a Paula-Deen-like-accent, for some reason.)

    I make a lot of mistakes in the kitchen, and I will continue to do so as long as I can find innovative ways to course-correct.  So in this case, I think I won the battle… after frying the bums of these pies for about 5 minutes on medium heat, they were cooked through, and the insides didn’t know any better.

    Did the folks eating the pies know about the near-recipe for disaster?  No, and they didn’t comment on the unique texture of the bottom crust, either.  At least they weren’t deep fried.  (Although that thought has potential for a future dessert.  Interesting.)


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    March 4th, 2012 | More Sweets Please | No Comments | Tags:

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